Shareholder Account terms and conditions
Get answers to frequently asked questions about your shareholder account:
Shareholder Account terms and conditions
Get answers to frequently asked questions about your shareholder account:
Contact the transfer agent in your country of residence if you hold a share certificate or a share ownership statement and require information about:
If your shares are in a brokerage account, contact your stockbroker.
TSX Trust Company offers 24-hour online access to information about your share holdings, including your dividend payment history and the market value of your shares.
To register for this service, visit TSX Investor Services.
For shareholders in the U.K., this service is available for share certificate holders only. If you have a share ownership account, contact Link Asset Services.
To change your address by telephone, contact the transfer agent in your country of residence. You can also change your email address or mailing address online using the TSX address changes form.
If your shares are in a brokerage account, contact your stockbroker.
To transfer ownership of your shares:
Visit TSX Investor Services for information about transferring your shares.
To sell your shares:
Share certificate holders:
Contact a stockbroker to sell your common shares of Sun Life Financial Inc.
Share ownership participants in Canada:
You can sell your common shares by detaching and completing Form A on the front of your share ownership statement. Mail the form to TSX Trust Company.
Share selling service terms and conditions
Note: Former shareholders of Clarica Life Insurance Company who received a share ownership statement continue to hold their common shares in the Canadian Share Account administered by TSX Trust Company.
Share ownership participants in the United Kingdom, Philippines and Bermuda:
The share-selling service is no longer available. You will need to obtain a share certificate and sell your shares through a stockbroker who trades on the Toronto, New York or Philippine stock exchanges. For information on how to obtain a share certificate or transfer your share ownership, contact the transfer agent in your country of residence.
Share certificate holders and share account participants who live in Canada can automatically reinvest cash dividends paid on their common shares and purchase additional shares through this plan. To enroll, complete the enrollment form and mail it to TSX Trust Company.
Read more about our Canadian DRIP and Share Purchase Plan.