Make giving the cornerstone of your legacy

As a trusted insurance solutions provider serving the wealth planning and protection needs of the High Net Worth and Ultra High Net Worth community in Singapore, we aim to spread the message of philanthropic giving as part of legacy building, through content driven conversations that will build a knowledge base for our clients and business partners. Thus, we are collaborating with Community Chest, the philanthropy and engagement arm of National Council of Social Service (NCSS) to support charities and philanthropic giving in the Singapore community.

As part of Sun Life’s ongoing global commitment in fostering healthier lives and helping its clients and the community achieve lifetime financial security, we also collaborate with members of NCSS, namely the Singapore Association for Mental Health and TOUCH Community Services, to promote mental wellness, as well as build advocacy for prevention of Diabetes especially amongst vulnerable individuals.


Our Philanthropic Pledge

As you plan your legacy with us, we are inspired to give back to our community. With every purchase of SunBrilliance Indexed Universal Life or SunBrilliance Whole Life , Sun Life Singapore will donate 0.5% from the premiums received, with a cap of US$20,000 per policy.

Our Philanthropic Pledge will be disbursed in accordance with Sun Life’s philanthropy goals to achieve long-term behaviour change through practical programmes through contribution in 4 areas of need:

  • Type 2 Diabetes prevention, care, awareness & education
  • Mental health
  • Community initiatives that drive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Disaster relief

Under our pledge, all proceeds will be channelled through Community Chest towards Singapore-based programmes  aligned with the four giving pillars. Through this initiative, we aim to inspire our valued Clients to become advocates of philanthropy and build a giving legacy to empower communities in need. We sincerely appreciate your support in enabling us to contribute back to the community.

Advocate philanthropic giving

Our Clients and business partners have the valuable opportunity to be guided by Community Chest through a structured process to start, manage and track their philanthropy journey.

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Fight against Diabetes

We drive Diabetes awareness by supporting TOUCH Community Services’ healthy living programs for vulnerable individuals and families in Singapore. This is as part of Sun Life’s commitment to building sustainable, healthier communities for life. 

Promote mental wellness

In recognising the growing significance of positive mental and emotional well-being, we had contributed towards Singapore Association for Mental Health’s first integrated wellness centre, a one-stop wellness space for recovery and growth that was officially launched in September 2023.

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Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is an insurance company federally incorporated in Canada, with OSFI Institution Code F380 and its registered office at 1 York Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 0B6. It is regulated by Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Singapore Branch (UEN T19FC0132B) is registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore as a foreign company, with its registered office at One Raffles Quay, #10-03 North Tower, Singapore 048583. It is licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Where Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Singapore Branch is referred to as “Sun Life Singapore”, this is strictly for marketing and branding purposes only, and no legal significance is expressed or implied. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life group of companies. The Sun Life group of companies operates under the “Sun Life” name. Sun Life Financial Inc., the publicly traded holding company for the Sun Life group of companies, is not a product offering company and is not the guarantor of the obligations of its subsidiaries. 

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