Guide to medical underwriting for life insurance

This guide provides an overview of insurers' general underwriting principles and practices relating to the risk assessment of individuals for life insurance and health insurance coverage.

English version of Your guide to life insurance

Code of life insurance practice

This guide aims to give you an idea of the practices used by the life insurance industry in Singapore. Life insurers, their representatives and representatives of financial advisors are operating with the stated guidelines, to ensure that the standard of practice within the industry is maintained for everyone concerned.

English version of Code of life insurance practice

Chinese version of Code of life insurance practice

Guide to life insurance

This guide describes the various types of life insurance products and distribution channels and provides general information about life insurance.

English version

Chinese version

Guide to nomination of insurance nominees

This guide outlines how the Insurance Nomination Law, which came into effect on 1 September 2009, applies to various types of policies and the steps in making a trust or revocable nomination.

English version of Your guide to nomination of insurance nominees

Chinese version of Your guide to nomination of insurance nominees