As a regulated financial institution, Sun Life is required to collect, maintain, and keep current detailed information regarding the ownership of our Clients’ accounts. This information, and supporting documentation, is commonly referred to as Client Due Diligence (CDD).

Please review our most recent CDD announcements and current resources created to support you in the collection of this documentation.

Client Due Diligence (CDD) E-Kit

All the essential CDD Documentation you need

CDD Guidelines

List of Required Client Identification and Verification Documentation, and instructions on how to provide Source of Wealth documentation.

CDD Checklist

The CDD checklist is designed to help advisors keep track of all required CDD documentation on a Client's account. The list is not comprehensive of all required documentation and is intended to be used along with the Guide to CDD Requirements. Although not required, we encourage you to submit one checklist per participant.

Source of Wealth Information Form

The Source of Wealth Information Form is intended to help facilitate our understanding of Client’s wealth. It will be considered in context with all information and documentation previously or concurrently submitted.

Verification of Identity Form

List of Required Client Identification and Verification Documentation, and instructions on how to provide Source of Wealth documentation.

CDD Documentation Certification Template