Product awards

At Sun Life, we take great pride in the accomplishments of our products and services. We are recognised for our commitment to product innovation in meeting the wealth planning needs of our Clients over the years.



Sustainability awards

Our ambition is to maximise our positive impact on society and the environment in support of our Purpose to help our Clients, partners and communities achieve lifetime financial security and lead healthier lives. We are honoured to be recognised as a leader in sustainability.



Other awards

At Sun Life Singapore, we are certified as a Great Place To Work® for 2024. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to fostering an open and inclusive workplace where every employee can thrive and to creating a consistent, positive experience that empowers our people to grow, contribute, and make a difference.


Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is an insurance company federally incorporated in Canada, with OSFI Institution Code F380 and its registered office at 1 York Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 0B6. It is regulated by Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Singapore Branch (UEN T19FC0132B) is registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore as a foreign company, with its registered office at One Raffles Quay, #10-03 North Tower, Singapore 048583. It is licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Where Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Singapore Branch is referred to as “Sun Life Singapore”, this is strictly for marketing and branding purposes only, and no legal significance is expressed or implied. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life group of companies. The Sun Life group of companies operates under the “Sun Life” name. Sun Life Financial Inc., the publicly traded holding company for the Sun Life group of companies, is not a product offering company and is not the guarantor of the obligations of its subsidiaries. 

© 2024 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved. The name Sun Life and the globe symbol are registered trademarks of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.